
Welcome to the world of panorama photography and the creation of panorama images. With the Panoweaver software, you can create full 360 immersible images and retain complete control over panorama image creation. Panorama images are ideal solutions for publishing, education, travel, entertainment, and more. Panoweaver is developed by Panorama Technologies. (For more information please visit http://www.easypano.com).

What is Panoweaver?

"Panoweaver"comes from "panorama" and "weaver", and it's a tool for creating and publishing panorama images.

What is a panorama image?

A panorama image is an immersible image that places you in the middle of the scene. You can look anywhere: right, left, floor, ceiling, or zoom in or out of a scene. Panorama images can be embedded in Internet browsers.

How do I take pictures for panorama images?

Panorama photography uses a fisheye-lens equipped digital camera and rotator mounted on a tripod. The pictures that your camera system captures are called hemispheres, and make up one half of a panorama image. Panorama images are created from hemisphere pairs, so every one-panorama image requires two pictures.

How is a panorama image formed?

After the initial pictures are taken, Panorama image creation follows these steps:
1. Complete the photography session.
2. Transfer the images to your computer by downloading hemispheres from digital camera or scanning film negatives.
3. Open the images in the Panoweaver software.
4. Adjust parameters, Stitch the two back-to-back hemispheres into a panorama images.
5. Preview your panorama image in Internet browsers and save the panorama image in JPG format.
6. Publish your panorama image. An html file and panorama image are generated automatically. You can publish the panorama image into your website.